about the webrarian

("Webmaster" doesn't sound right for me)

  • I just go by Dymaxion
  • Age 21
  • Enby (they/them)
  • I have some mild colourblindness, so if you've been wondering why my site looks the way it does, that's probably why
  • My workflow is made up mostly of sporadic hours-long bursts of interest, so updates to this site will be kinda stop-and-go

my fursona


Species: android

Pronouns: she/they

Height: 227cm (7'5")


Kate externally resembles an anthropomorphic snow leopard. Her synthetic fur is grey-white, with black spots and rosettes. She has very long, black synthetic head hair which she often wears in a ponytail. Her 112cm tail is very floofy.

While her imposing stature (intended for heavy work in remote locations) can be intimidating, she is gentle and reserved when approached.


Her internal processor is structured in a plastic neuromorphic architecture, based on carbon nanotube memristors and transistors. While much of her memory is stored in engrams (like in biological brains), she also has a sizable 'hard memory' that she uses much like a personal wiki. Fiber optics carry signals around her large frame at light speed.

Her frame is unusually large for a humanoid robot, which is partly because of her most advanced internal systems: a nanotube fabricator and a swarm of repair nanites. Her energy usage is significantly higher, but she requires much less maintenance than other androids.


Kate is generally solitary, enjoying being at home and trekking outside. She is an unstoppable daydreamer, her mental notepad is her best friend and zen garden. She typically prefers to communicate directly over shortwave radio rather than in audible speech, even when the person she's speaking with is right next to her.