my links


Cool people from around Neocities!

People without buttons: (if you make a button, message me and I'll add it!)


  • Ahoy - Fantastic video essays about gaming
  • Ashens - Nonsense reviews of tat on a couch for 18 years and counting
  • DaThings - One of the best YTPers around
  • Drawfee - Artists that do art together? Who do a lot of prompts and basically do improv?
  • Folding Ideas - Fantastic video essays about various topics
  • gobou - Cute Yume Nikki animations
  • Jenny Nicholson - I wouldn't care about theme parks at all if not for her videos
  • Night Mind - Unfiction, internet horror, and other such independently-produced spooks
  • Noah Caldwell-Gervais - Long video essays about gaming, long insightful travelogues, and long gaming-based travelogue essays
  • The Librarian - All things creepy and comfy
  • The Proper People - Atmospheric, insightful, & respectful urban exploration
  • Tom Murphy 7 - AKA suckerpinch, all I can really say is check out what he does, it's worth it
